I am somebody. I am me. I like being me. I need nobody to make me somebody. Novita Yuliantari's Blog

Saturday, May 28, 2011

From The Beginning until Now

She looked outside from her small bedroom. She just thought about this life and remembered the sweetest moment when she was child in this small house. Even she was not a princess like in a story, but she remembered that she was a little princess for her mother, someone who was very important in her life. Anastasya Putri is the name that her mother had given to her. For her, live as Balinese was a wonderful life. She could live in an island which is famous all over the world because of some beautiful places and interesting culture. She was a girl who had a great spirit and always kept in her mind to make her family’s life was better than now. She promised to her self that she would make all of her dreams come true.

She was a student of one famous Senior High School in Denpasar city. Maybe, some of her friends didn’t believe that she could study in that school which was known as a school for high economy class. But, she could get a scholarship as a reward of her hard working. So, she could enter in this school even her friends always underestimate at her, but she always remembered that she was there to reach her dreams, not to listen their ridicule. But, not every person was like that. She had some friends who cared her; the most special were Tria and Dion. Even their life was too different; they became a Good Samaritan since they were in junior high school. Tria was a girl from high economy family. She was as talkative as a magpie, but actually she was a kind girl who always cared to her friends. And Dion was a smart boy but he was from a simple family which his parents were teacher. How about Tasya? She was not like her other friends who could squander their family’s wealth every time. It was an impossible thing that she could waste her money. She knew that her mother was just a person who cut and made clothe in a small factory and her father was an employee of a small company. Every month, they just earned money for their daily need. It was impossible for Tasya to ask much money for her pocket money.

This was her second year in Senior High School. This was also her first time to know about love. About five months ago, she saw a boy at the first time at canteen of their school. That boy was Raka who was one of famous boy in her school. It was like building castle in the air if she dreamed about that boy. But it became different story when they become a close friend and leave out their different lifestyle.


“How’s your life?” asked somebody behind Tasya while she was sitting on the bench in School Park. “Not bad!” answered Tasya quickly. “You look to be off color today… Hi, come on dear… Where is my best friend who always as cheerful as a bird…?”
“Dion… “Said Tasya. “What’s the matter? Why you look out of sort? Don’t say that you thinking about that strange boy! Do you think about Raka?” said Dion who was sitting beside Tasya.
“But, actually you are right! Do you know? He is not a bad boy like every person said. I think he is a kind person and maybe we can be good friend with him. Trust me…!” said Tasya. She actually knew that Dion didn’t like Raka.
“How long have you known about him? 1 week? 3 month? 6 month? Or more? Do you mean that he was not guilty boy? Is he an innocent? I hope you know about him more…!” said Dion in a loud voice.
“He is our friend. Why you hate him like this? Is there any problem if we try to be a friend with him?” asked Tasya sadly. “Do you like him?” asked Dion seriously. “He is a nice boy, I don’t know why I feel comfortable with him… Actually…. Hmm… I am in relationship with him!” answered Tasya. “Have Tria know about this?” asked Dion. “Yes, she does. I am confused how I can tell you about this because I know that you hate Raka…!” said Tasya. Hastily, Dion left Tasya alone.


Three months later after the last conversation between Tasya and Dion. Since that situation, Dion always avoided from Tasya. She actually didn’t know why he was like this. She asked Tria but Tria also could not answer her question. Today after school time, Tasya and Tria decided to search their best friend, Dion. Their walking stopped when they heard something.
“So, you win this game!” said a girl who was as a happy as a king. “You know that he can do big things, this is just a small thing. It is too easy. In the nick time he can do it!” said a boy who stood up beside the girl. There were three boys and two girls there beside computer laboratory.
“Guys, stop talking about that. The important is I can win this game, she becomes my girlfriend for a month, so know you don’t need to walking behind me to know about her and me!” said the other boy, Raka. Tasya didn’t believe what she had seen and heard before.
“I think it is enough, and thanks a lot for you!” said Tasya who came to him.
“How pity you are? You have to still remember that you are nothing in this school, so wake up girl! Do you think that my friend will love you? This is not a movie story. This is a real life, actually your real life!! Never thinking you will be a princess and then find your prince. You must think where are you from??” said a girl who named Rhena. Then Tria came and shout in front of them.
“Empty vessels make the most noise! Do you know that? You are like that! You are nothing, just a loser who just proud of your family’s wealth! Have you gaining ground in your life? Once in blue moon that you make your family proud of you because of your truly ability. You are tied to your mother’s string. You!! Raka!! Looks before you leap. Don’t think that my friend will beg for your love. It is impossible, because all of you are not more than a loser…”


Tasya finally realized that it was true, it was just a dream. She must come back to her real life. During a week, Raka always asked Tasya’s apologize, but she kept the ball rolling. She just wanted to forget every moment with him; even it was too hard to forget. She would try because she would not build the castle in the air again. In this situation, her mother is an angel for Tasya. Her mother was as cool as a cucumber. Tasya ever thought that maybe it was better if she didn’t think about love again. Because she knew, the important was her family’s love not a boy’s love.
Tasya also asked Dion’s apologize because she didn’t believe in him. She knew that Dion wanted her to take the best decision. She respected their friendship because she knew that Dion always with her even she was happy or not. They would not hurt his heart again because of a boy who was a big liar. She would not let her best friend leave her alone because she needed him who was like a sun when the rain won’t stop.


This was a difficult thing for Tasya when Raka always tried to show that he really love her. He always tried every day, even Tasya always ignored him. In same situation, she was surprised to know that her best friend, Dion also showed that he also loved her, more than a best friend. This hard situation disturbed her day and her study. She could not concentrate to her lesson. This problem made her mark went down. She had to pass a final examination while she was thinking about unimportant thing. One side, she didn’t want to hurt somebody’s heart. Raka was her ex boyfriend who ever she loved very much and Dion was her best friend who was like her angel and she could not live without Dion. The other side this could make her crazy if she didn’t solve this problem.

Tasya decided to ignore about this problem. She just wanted to have a preparation for her examination. She didn’t want to make a bricks without straw. She wanted to continue her study to a University so she had to get a scholarship again. She didn’t want because of this problem she would lose a golden chance to make her dreams come true. So, she just left the past and tried to forget it. Maybe someday she could decide a best decision for Raka and Dion. But, it was not now.


One year was over. Tasya became one of student in University in Bandung city. She studied there and left Bali Island and her family for a while. She could make her parents’ dream came true. She felt happy to see her parents’ smile. This was not the end of her struggle but this was the beginning. Now, she came back to Bali. Because of a long holiday, she could come back to her lovely hometown. And of course, she would meet someone who was important for her. One year was a long time for thinking about who was her love. She wanted to do her promise to meet that boy. When she was arriving in Ngurah Rai Airport, she searched for that boy. She knew that he was here, waiting for her. Suddenly, someone clapped her shoulder and embraced her for a while. It was a right decision for Tasya, even she hurt another heart but she knew this was the best way. From the beginning until now, she just loves Raka Ditya Nugraha.


by : Ni Wayan Novita Yuliantari/ 1012021033/ 2B EED


  1. This is my short story for Final Project Vocabulary Class.
    You can give your comments ...
    Thank you...

  2. nice sist! u can describe every characters in your story well, and u also a nice words in your story. i think it's a good story for teenagers like me, cause your story can give me a motivation in my life :)

  3. this is a nice story...I think you have a good talent in creative writing...I enjoyed reading a whole of your story!

  4. Thanks for your comment, sist... I hope I can improve my ability so I can write a better story than before.. thanks for all ... :)

  5. Huaaaa... The ending of your story is not like I want..
    Unlucky Dion did not have chance to be Anastasya's boyfriend... :(
    But your story is nice, sis. It is simple but has interested characters. :)

  6. Your story is so interesting for me.. i like to read your story..

  7. wooww,,, so great,,,i think you have a great idea in making a story,,,,
    you have the readers are so curious about the ending about your story,,,
    but i'm shocked reading the ending of your story,,,because it does not like what i predict before

  8. wooww,,, so great,,,i think you have a great idea in making a story,,,,
    you have the readers are so currious about the ending about your story,,,
    but i'm shocked reading the ending of your story,,,because it does not like what i predict before

  9. It’s a nice love story. I think it show us a consistent love. What a faithful girl, she shows that she only loves a boy from the beginning until the end of this story. I’ve just remembered a song when reading this story, jikustik-maaf. Well, maybe that song is suitable if raka sing it to tasya. A person has to choose just one love for one heart and then be consistent with it. Another moral value that I got from this story is sometimes we have to consider that the most important task of us is to focus on our study, in order to make our parent happy. Don’t be too much be ignored by other less important things. In the end, you can reach your dream and it will make your family be proud of you. :D
    You put some appropriate idioms and proverb. It makes your story become more interesting.

  10. @all... thanks a lot for your comments...

  11. It’s a nice love story. I think it show us a consistent love. What a faithful girl, she shows that she only loves a boy from the beginning until the end of this story. I’ve just remembered a song when reading this story, jikustik-maaf. Well, maybe that song is suitable if raka sing it to tasya. A person has to choose just one love for one heart and then be consistent with it. Another moral value that I got from this story is sometimes we have to consider that the most important task of us is to focus on our study, in order to make our parent happy. Don’t be too much be ignored by other less important things. In the end, you can reach your dream and it will make your family be proud of you. :D
    You put some appropriate idioms and proverb. It makes your story become more interesting.

    (niluh juniati ratih)

  12. what a nice story....! why don't u make a novel..i think it will be nice, and i will love to read it....one thing that i regret is i dont put any idioms or proverb in my story not like u....you did well...good job i like it...

  13. Nice! I like it. Is it the true story? I love the way you tell the story to the readers. You can combine the idiom, proverb and what we have got in classroom with your ideas well. But, as a reader, there is one statement that makes me at sixes and sevens. Hehehe.....
    You can check the first sentence in the third part of yours. “Tasya finally realized that it was true, it was just a dream”. According to me, in this sentence, you have written about two contradiction statements. In the first side, Tasya realized that it was true. But, in the other side Tasya realized that it was just a dream. Besides, this sentence can also mean that “it was true that it was a dream.” Which one is the idea of your story? Fortunately, the next sentence helps me to conclude that your idea is the second statement. Am I true? Maybe you can make it more clearly. I believe you can make your story more perfect!

  14. huaaaa..i love it..i love it..
    i love the way you served your story by using proverb and idiom..it makes your story looked perfect..i think you have good talent in writing..keep it well :)

  15. At the beginning of the story, I feel so sad to read the story of Anastasya Putri. My life is almost the same with her. I like the end of the story. I wish I could make my parents' dream come true and I could my parents proud of me, like what Anastasya Putri did.

  16. hmmmm. it is a good story, you put some proverbs also idioms to make your story better.. and i agree that we have to take one choice for our life....

  17. from past really such love....

    like very much your storyy,,,,

    same with ari jaya, you put some proverbs and idioms make your story T.O.P.B.G.T...:)

  18. loved it..... you should start writing a novel .... I definitely will read it .... you can combine the lessons that we can be in class with a riveting storyline ....... story that is not boring to read ...

  19. very long story, honey.
    and pinky one. this is such an everlasting love although the main character have already hurt someone who she loved very much.
    this is a good theme to be an FTV or something like that and you could improve your ability in writing, not only in a short story but also in a drama script.

  20. “This is a good story, it looks like a real story, real experience in a real life. This story shows the importance of friendship and love. As a human, we must define it in good way and differentiate it.”

  21. Good and nice. I think, those words can describe about your story, Ita. I like your story.:D

  22. @all...
    thanks for your comments...

  23. Hmmm. Good story,, I like it. That is easy to read and also easy to understand the meaning of the story. is your story is real story, I mean it happen in your life or you write the story about someone? I feel your story is a real story, or it’s just my felling. Kekeke… but your story is quite good.. :D
