I am somebody. I am me. I like being me. I need nobody to make me somebody. Novita Yuliantari's Blog

Monday, September 30, 2013

Watch Out!!

Can you imagine if you live in the remote place? Maybe you will not know what is happening around the world. Nowadays, news can be an important thing for some people around the world.  By knowing the new information, it will help people to open up their mind. There are many ways that can be chosen in order to get new information such as through newspaper, television, internet and the other sources. Some people maybe have their own comfortable way to get the information. However, I believe that internet is the best source in getting new information since it provides variety of news, flexibility, and interesting display and facility.

For one thing, I can get information easily since internet provides variety of information. I just need to look at the categories of the news or type what information that I want to search. For example, if I want to search about entertainment, I can easily choose it in the categories of the news in website, blogs, etc. It will be different from television which is sometimes shown almost the same information in every channel. Have you ever requested some information through television program? I guess that it will be difficult to do it. That is why internet can be the best choice to get new information which is needed. Also, since internet provides many kinds of new information, I can use my time effectively in getting the information. I do not need to spend much time to wait the information from television program or newspaper like the other people usually do.

In addition, internet provides flexibility in informing the new information. By accessing the internet, the new information can be gotten every time I need it. I can access the internet through mobile phone or laptop which provides internet connection. There are also many kinds of website, blogs, or social network which can help me to get the news. Since the internet has flexibility, I can access it wherever I am. I do not need to go home to watch television program or buy some newspaper in order to get the new information. So, imagine that you are at campus when you need to get something which is happening, will you go home just for watching TV? I think it will waste my time because by using the internet I can search it whenever and wherever I am.

Also, interesting display and facility are provided by internet in informing new information. There are some ways which can inform the news through internet connection, such as, visual, audio, and audio-visual way. So, the internet can show me clear, colorful, and interesting pictures or display which can attract me to read it. So, it is different from the news in a newspaper which is full of text and limited picture that usually make me bored to read it. Meanwhile, if I do not want to read the text, I can also listen to or watch the news through audio or audio-visual way. For example, I watch the new information through youtube or websites which provides audio or video access. So, it is like kill two birds by using one stone. I can open pages to read the news while I am listening to the audio. Those ways can attract me to get the information through internet rather than by using other media.

My Beloved Ewe ♥

This picture was taken at OUR special moment.
This post is dedicated for my beloved boyfriend I Kadek Eri Wahyudi, S.Pd a.k.a Ewe a.k.a Batukali a.k.a mata kakul. I love you so much dear :*
Wait yaa tulisan ku :)

“Interesting Drama VS Boring Drama”

Have you ever watched any drama to spend your spare time? What kind of drama do you watch? Watching drama can be the solution to spend your time or to decrease your stress after doing activities in daily routines. There are many kinds of drama that can be chosen like Korean drama or Indonesian drama. It also has some genres like comedy, romantic, action, etc. So, both of Korean drama and Indonesian drama can be the choices to be watched in your spare time. However, they are different in the episode, setting of place, and actor or actress that supports the drama.
For one thing, the episode of the drama will differentiate Korean drama and Indonesian drama. Korean drama usually has short episode, maybe about 14-30 episodes. The plot of the story in each episode is clear, so it does not make you feel bored or confused to watch it. Each episode in Korean drama has its own power to attract you to watch that drama. So, the interesting and simple plot in every episode will catch you to fall in love with that drama. Instead, Indonesian drama has very long episodes. Perhaps, it is about 200-700 episodes. Sometimes, there are also some dramas which have some seasons. So, those very long episodes will make the plot of that drama is not clear. The plot in each episode is like turn around which can create the confusion about the drama. Can you imagine how boring it is when you are watching Indonesian drama?
In addition, the setting of the place also differentiates Korean drama and Indonesian drama. Korean drama usually use some places which is appropriate to support the plot of the drama. So, if the story is about a very rich man who has luxurious office, the setting of the drama will also use a luxurious office. That setting will support the drama become more realistic. Also, Jeju Island, Namsam tower and other beautiful places in Korea become well known places which are usually used as the setting of Korean drama. So, Korean drama can attract many visitors from Korea or the other countries to visit those places. Do you still remember the special setting of some Korean dramas? If you are a Korean drama lover, it must be unforgettable places for you. On the other hand, Indonesian drama seldom uses special places as the setting of the drama. Indonesian drama usually uses the same place as the setting. That same place is usually designed becomes different setting of place that can support that drama. Even though it is creative, but sometimes it is not realistic. So, that can be the reason why there is no place which is remembered as the setting of Indonesian drama.
Most important, the actor and actress becomes the difference between Korean drama and Indonesian drama. In Korean drama, the actor and actress are appropriate to the characters in that drama. If the character in that drama is 30 years old, the actor and actress which are chosen also have almost the same age.  The actor and actress in Korean drama also have good talent in acting. So, they can take your heart by creating strong characterization in that drama. That can be the reason why you are usually laughing or crying because of the character in Korean drama. However, Indonesian drama sometimes uses the actor and actress which are not appropriate to the character in that drama. You can easily find that Indonesian drama sometimes uses a very young girl to be an adult. Also, some actors and actresses in Indonesian drama have bad talent in acting. They seldom support the character in the drama well. Have you ever cried when you are watching sad Indonesian drama? You can imagine that it will be very awkward when the actor and the actress cannot act well to support the character in that drama.
In short, both of Korean and Indonesian drama can be the choice to spend your time after doing activities in daily life. However, Korean drama has better qualities than Indonesian drama because of its episode, setting, and actor or actress. Interesting drama will attract you to fall in love with that drama more than the other one. You have your own right to choose which one you want to watch. So, select and decide the interesting one!  
