I am somebody. I am me. I like being me. I need nobody to make me somebody. Novita Yuliantari's Blog

Monday, March 4, 2013

Long Distance Relationship? Why Not?

Perhaps people who are in love will think that their life is so perfect because God has sent them a partner who loves them perfectly. They can spend all the time with their partner to share everything that can make their partner happy. But, how if there is a distance which separates them?  Do they still think this life is so perfect?  Maybe they will think that they are a perfect couple but they are just not in the perfect situation. That is why long distance relationship is like a big disaster for some couples in maintaining their relationship. A distance will make them feel anxious because they seldom meet their partner. In fact, this anxiety should not give bad effects at all because long distance relationship can also give some positive effects for them. Forming independence, building loyalty, and having time for family and friends will be the positive effects for people who are in long distance relationship.
First of all, people who are in long distance relationship will try to build their independence in doing everything in their life. It means that they can do their daily activity without needing their partner’s help. If they seldom meet their partner, automatically they cannot ask their partner’s help because there is no possibility to defeat the distance. This situation will help them to understand that they should build independence in order to maintain their relationship. They should not complain or regret because of the distance which separates them with their partner. They should use this chance to show that they are independent people who can face the situation even they are far away from their partner.
In addition, people who are in long distance relationship will try hard to build a loyalty in order to maintain their relationship. Loyalty is the important thing in a relationship because it can show how the way people love their partner. If they love their partner so much, automatically they will not betray them. They will try hard to build a belief and loyalty even they do not have time to be spend together. Loyalty can be built through good communication because it is like a foundation for a relationship. It is not true at all if some say that people who are in long distance relationship will betray their partner. Betrayal can also occur to some couples who always spend their time together. So, long distance can be a measure how much people love their partner and how far their effort to build a loyalty.
Most important, people who are in long distance relationship will have more time for their family and friends. It can occur because they do not need to spend all the time with their partner. Spending time with family or friends can also help them to forget their anxiety because they seldom meet their partner. If they are filled with longing to see their partner’s face or hear their partner’s voice, they can forget their feeling for a while by having fun with their friends and family. So, this relationship can give colorful experience for them because even they are in love with their partner, they can still maintain good relationship with their family and friends. They can also prevent boring relationship because they do not only spend all the time with their partner.
Long distance relationship is not impossible to be maintained. People who can maintain their long distance relationship wisely are people who understand the meaning and investment of their relationship. They can also form their independence, build their loyalty, and have time for their family and friends. This relationship can be maintained as long as people and their partner can do their own accountability. They should believe that even physically they are far away, but psychologically they are close each other.

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