cahayanya begitu indah di pekatnya malam. Begitu menyejukkan di panasnya hari. Aku
tak tahu bagaimana jadinya jika tak ada dia, aku takut teramat sangat takut
menatap gelapnya malam. Kegelapan yang seakan-akan ingin menelanku bulat-bulat.
Aku tak tahu bagaimana jadinya jika tak ada dia, aku takut teramat sangat takut
menantang panasnya dunia yang seakan-akan ingin melenyapkanku seketika. Tak
tahu harus seperti apa aku mengucap syukur pada penguasa alam, aku tak pintar
merangkai kata-kata untuk mengucap syukur pada-Nya. Kenapa? Apakah terdengar
begitu berlebihan? Begitulah adanya, aku memang takut. Dia selalu ada untuk ku.
Tak terkira kasih sayangnya pada ku. Cahayanya memang tak seindah cahaya bulan
dan bintang di gelap malam. Juga, tak sehebat sinar sang surya di siang hari.
Namun, cahayanya menyejukkanku dan menemaniku setiap saat di hari-hariku.
gunanya cahaya bulan, jika nanti dia juga akan menghilang. Duniaku akan gelap
kembali. Apa gunanya juga indahnya beribu cahaya bintang, jika mereka juga
sering bersembunyi di balik pekatnya awan hitam. Apa juga gunanya aku berharap
pada sinar matahari, jika kemudian dia meniggalkanku ketika hari berganti
malam. Iya benar, aku mengakui keagungan mereka, namun aku lebih mencintai dia.
Cahaya itu. Cahaya yang ada di dirinya. Cahaya yang tak akan pernah redup.
Cahaya yang tak akan pernah mati. Cahaya itu adalah dia. Hidupku, dia adalah
hidupku. Cahaya yang selalu menerangiku. Cahaya yang tanpa kenal lelah
menerangiku. Cahaya yang rela mengorbankan segalanya untuk memberikan kesejukan
dan kehangatannya padaku. Untuk hidupku.
Hai cahayaku!
Lihatlah aku, disini. Aku disini menemanimu. Tidakkah kau lelah menerangiku?
Tidakkah kau takut pada kegelapan di sekelilingku? Lihatlah aku, aku disini,
disampingmu. Menemanimu. Tak akan pernah meninggalkanmu. Tak akan pernah.
Karena kau adalah hidupku.
world still sleeps when I creep down to the stairs. I step outside to the
corner of the room; stare at the dusty old clock which is scratching on the
wall. It is too early, earlier than I have ever been up before. No morning
sunlight flood into this room. I try to roll up the curtain, see the heavy rain
outside which have disturbed my sleep. It splashes the windows continuously. I
feel the breath of the wind leads the trees dancing smoothly and happily. They
are gently swaying and sprinkling the water. I gaze at them jealously; wish that
I can be a part of them without feeling this bitterly cold place.
heart races fast when I hear the sound of footstep near the door. I can hear
the steps closer. I guess I know who she is after hearing the door slams behind
her. She is soaking wet but I still smell her cheap perfume. My tears roll in
my cheek, I stare at her face without any words.
sleep! Don’t look at me like that!” said her angrily. Her breath reeks of
tobacco and beer. She goes to the bathroom without looking at my face. “Please
stop it, I beg you! Stop it please!!” I shout loudly. “This is my life, not
yours!!” she yells and slam the door strongly. I hear the sound of water; I
guess she starts to clean up her body. I cannot imagine how I can survive in
this situation. I cannot stand still to see her face. I even never breathe
freely in this musty place. Never.
clock seems like run fast. The rain has stopped. The grass is still wet with
early morning dew. I can still see the happy trees when the sun rises and spreads
its warmth. The birds are singing and dashing on the top of them. I guess that
all of them are enjoying the warmth of the world. Poorly, I can’t feel it. Even
though the sunlight has filled this room, I can’t still feel anything.
is mom?” That sound surprises me. I turn my head back and look at her pale face
and unwashed hair. I do not want to open up my mouth.
“Is she
with that man now? Or maybe with another man?” she asks me again and try to
find that person in every corner of this place.
arrived home in early morning, but after that someone picked her up!” I answer
her question in a flat voice. My tears drop.
“Huh, I
guess I know with whom she is now. You should be clever as her. Is crying solve
everything?” she hit my head strongly.
you happy with your life?” I ask bitterly.
fool question, look at me!! Don’t I look very happy with my life? I have a
wealthy boyfriend, I can buy anything, I can go anywhere. Should I mourn over
this life?? What a stupid girl!!” she thump the table angrily and leave me
alone. My legs are trembling with fear. I cannot even look at her steps. She
goes out and I absolutely know where she will go. Her boyfriend’s luxurious
place where I spend the day and night cannot be called as a luxurious palace
which can attract everyone to come here. It is not more than a musty shack, not
interesting at all. But, it can attract many wealthy men to come. The
disgusting men who want to feel another flavor of this world. I cannot even see
their faces, how disgusting they are. The reek of tobacco or beer and the toxic
smell of perfume are usually filled this place when they come. Yuck!!! I want
to kick them one by one, break their hands and legs, take their eyes out, and throw
them away. But, I can’t! Since they are important for my family’s life, I am
forced to hide my feeling inside my sorrow.
I want
to forget whatever I ever seen in every corner in this place. That nightmare
usually disturbs my mind, always come to my daily life. Should I kill every
stranger who comes to this place? I want to breathe freely, I do not want that
nightmare follow me wherever I go. I can’t hold it anymore.
decide to go outside and walk quickly, just follow where these feet want to bring
me. Maybe nowhere. I can feel the fresh air flow smoothly touch my face. I enjoy
to walk on the pavement where the other people make noise of conversation and
gummy smile. I can also hear tone of mobile phone of some business women. How a
crowded place, but it is better than where I usually spend my day. Even I feel
freely to breathe the pollutant air here rather than in my house. I stand still
a while, look around. Huh… How pity this beautiful city has a musty place like
my house. I gaze at the long queue of cars in the traffic light. My gaze stops
when I see a beautiful girl who dresses well in the luxurious white car. Her
bright smile makes her face looks more beautiful when she talks with someone
beside her. She lays down her head on the shoulder of someone who is driving
that car.
Well, I
can see it! I can see that she is happy. I can see how happy my older sister
continues her own life by choosing this way. I wipe my tears with the back of
my hand. My past comes to my mind like a slide show. I have already lost
someone when I was still in my childhood. Someone who has filled my heart with
hatred since he betrayed a woman who loves him very much. A bad man who has
sent his family to this sorrowful life. What a worst father he is! And now, I know
that I will lose someone who always wiped my tears and usually saved me when
that bad man wanted to hit me. Someone who does not believe in love anymore
since our pitiful life begin to start. My dream to hug her is gone as that car
has gone away. I do not know where it picks my older sister and her boyfriend,
maybe somewhere that they can continue their life freely, without people’
ridicule. A place where they can live happily when no one forbids them to have
relationship in the same gender.
steps bring this weak body to this lonely road, until the moon come to greet my
pitiful face. Sometimes, that beautiful moon hides itself behind the dark
cloudy sky. The light rain drops and wet my faded clothes. I cannot even run
from the rain. Is the sky crying for seeing my self? No, it is not. It is a sign
that I am the poorest person in this world. No one to share with, no where to
go. This sorrow is more painful than the extremely cold weather which stabs my
born. My step stops in front of an old house. I do not know why my feet bring
me to this place. I can see the dim light inside that house as the sign there
is someone there. I stand still in front of that house. Is that house can give
me a smile even though just for a while? The wind blow strongly and slam the
windows. The leaves fall down like want to bury my body which stuck for a
couple of minutes. The splash of rain gently hit my skin. I cannot begin my
step even though the wind starts to blow angrily. I cannot hold it anymore; I
knock the door and see a beautiful woman opens the door for me.
in!!” she speaks sourly. I stare at her beautiful eyes angrily. I can smell
familiar disgusting perfume in this place.
you stop it?? I beg you once again, I love you!” I ask her with trembling voice.
you stop to ask me that thing? Come in and live like how I am living now or go
far away like your sister do!” she shouts at me. I even have no choice to drive
my own life. She leaves me and come to a disgusting man who is waiting her at
the corner of this room. He stares and come to me, breathing alcohol fume all
over me. Yuck!! I want to take his eyes out so he cannot look at a girl in that
in and live with me or go far away and forget that you were ever born from a
bad woman like me!!” she yells angrily.
I do
not know how long I can live with hatred which fills all my heart. I have no
dreams, no where to go. All is gone since I choose this way. I will never
forget a little piece of things in this place, even every dust in this place.
This nightmare will be buried only when my body is buried. What a fucking woman!
She has send me to live like the way she is living. Doing everything is just
for steal money from many disgusting men in this world. I hate even myself.
Being totally alone without ever feel any love from a guy is the hell of my
world. I never even feel a love from a woman who bored me to this misery world.
kau tahu siapa aku? Tidak? Tak terlintaskah di pikiranmu untuk mengetahui siapa
aku? Heh… lihat, kau bisa melihatku dengan jelas, bukankah aku ini nyata?
Tidak? Kau masih tidak bisa melihatku? Baiklah, perkenalkan aku adalah gelas. Hmm…
Kenapa? Kau tak percaya? Kau meragukanku? Ya, aku memang gelas, harus seperti
apa aku meyakinkanmu. Aku adalah gelas, seperti itulah orang-orang memanggilku.
di tempat ini aku menghabiskan waktuku. Sudah hampir setahun. Awalnya, aku tak
mengerti apa pun, aku hanya menjalani hari seperti apa adanya. Pasrah? Ya,
mungkin bisa dikatakan seperti itu, aku pasrah. Tak ada yang berbeda di setiap
hari yang aku rasakan. Semua sama saja. Namun, semua itu perlahan berubah
seiring dengan perhatiannya pada ku. Kau tahu siapa dia? Tidak? Hmm, aku tak
bisa mengatakannya, baiknya kita panggil saja dia pria tanpa nama.
inilah yang disebut kehidupan. Begitu indah, senyuman dan tawa yang selalu ada
sejak dia ada di hari-hariku. Begitu besar perhatiannya padaku, dan membuatku
kemudian bertanya, apakah dia peduli padaku? Huh, kemudian aku menyadari bukan
itu yang hendak aku ketahui. Bukan, bukan rasa peduli. Apakah dia menyukaiku?
Hmm, bukan, bukan pertanyaan itu juga yang ingin aku ketahui jawabannya. Bukan.
Pikiranku kemudian menerawang, apakah dia menyayangiku seperti aku yang kini
sudah mulai menyayanginya? Ya, itulah yang ada di benakku saat ini. Sungguh,
aku ingin mengetahui arti perhatiannya kepada ku.
aku hanyalah sebuah gelas. Bagaimana mungkin aku bisa menanyakan hal itu
padanya. Itu mustahil. Simpan saja semua pertanyaan ini, ya begitulah hatiku
meyakinkanku. Kenyataannya, aku memanglah hanya sebuah gelas, aku menemani
hari-harinya, namun aku tak bisa mengatakan sepatah kata pun padanya. Di tempat
yang sama, aku hanya bisa termenung, memikirkan entah apa.
siapa dirimu, jangan bodoh!” kata piring padaku. Dia mengagetkanku dan
membuatku tersadar dari lamunanku.
aku tak mau mendengar kata-kata mu!” jawabku singkat.
memang keras kepala, apa yang kau harapkan? Bangunlah dari tidurmu! Aku bosan
melihatmu seperti ini!” piring meninggikan nadanya dan membuat perasaanku
semakin tak menentu.
peduli padaku, dia akan selalu ada bersamaku, itulah yang aku yakini!” aku
mempertahankan pendapatku.
sadarkan dirimu, kau seharusnya tahu siapa dirimu. Gelas, kau hanyalah sebuah
gelas. Lihat dimana sekarang kau berada. Bukankah dia hanya akan datang saat
dia memerlukanmu? Kemudian apa yang dia lakukan setelah itu? Menyimpanmu di rak
itu dan menguncimu disana. Aku rasa kau tak terlalu bodoh untuk menyadari apa
yang telah kau alami. Jika kau tak mengerti juga, aku pastikan kau adalah gelas
terbodoh yang pernah aku temui.” Piring berkata panjang lebar. Aku hanya
terdiam mendengar semua ucapannya.
usah bersedih, aku mengerti perasaanmu.” Kata Mangkuk yang sedari tadi hanya
diam melihatku.
kau istimewa, bukankah kau menyebut dirimu wine
glass? Sudahlah, bukankah kau tak sama seperti gelas-gelas yang lain.”
Lanjut Mangkuk yang berusaha menenangkanku. Entahlah, aku tak tahu harus
berkata apa. Sendok dan garpu menatapku, seakan-akan mereka tahu kepahitan yang
kini aku rasakan. Aku masih terdiam, tanpa kata.
merindukan dia yang dulu. Sungguh. Namun kenyataan yang ada membuka mataku dan
menyadarkanku. Aku hanyalah gelas yang kini tersimpan rapi di rak miliknya. Ya,
aku tidak terlalu bodoh untuk tahu bahwa dia akan datang saat dia membutuhkanku
saja. Kemudian, melupakanku saat dia tak menginginkanku lagi. Tapi tetap saja,
aku hanya sebuah gelas. Aku tak bisa mengatakan apa yang aku rasakan,
kepedihanku. Dia tak akan pernah tahu. Yang dia tahu hanyalah aku akan selalu
ada di tempat ini saat dia membutuhkanku. Dia tak pernah tahu kini aku telah
berselimut debu. Yang dia tahu, aku adalah gelas yang kuat yang akan selalu ada
untuknya. Bukankah aku ini adalah kaca?? Bisa remuk juga ketika aku sudah muak
menghadapi benturan demi benturan dari kenyataan ini.
is one of some important parts of life that should be passed by every person in
this world. Before we decide to get married with someone, we should consider
about it wisely. We need to make a definite decision because this relationship
should be kept until the end of our life. Everlasting marriage which consists
of warmth, happiness and togetherness usually becomes a dream of every couple
in this world. In order to make this dream comes true, we should think about
the ideal marriage partner as the most important thing in a marriage. In my own
opinion, ideal marriage partner is someone who makes me comfortable to choose
him as a partner for my future marriage. So, this person is the most special
one who will accompany me along my life. It is not a matter if I have some
differences with my partner, the important one is we look at the same aim.
Someone who has pure love for me and my family, has good characteristics, and
has a good job become the most important qualities for my ideal marriage
partner. These things should be considered before I take a decision to choose
that man as my future husband.
Love is
the most important thing that couple must have in a marriage. So, my ideal
marriage partner has to have pure love for me and my family. I think it will be
impossible that we can get happiness along the marriage without love. So, it
makes me conclude that pure love is something that my partner must have in
order to make me comfortable to be with him.I will not blame whatever he does to make me believe that he has pure
love for me, because I know that every man has his own way to show how deep he
loves his woman. The other thing which is important is he has to love my family
too.For me, family is part of my self,
so it is a must for my partner to love my family as well as he loves me. I
believe that a marriage will not run well if our partner only loves us without
caring or respecting our family. The warmth, togetherness and happiness can be
felt if we can share everything in a big family. It should be an awareness that
a husband should not only care about his wife but also his wife’s family.
Whatever he does to show that he loves me and our family, I believe that my
heart will recognize it is pure or not.
is a serious thing that we should consider before doing it. We must consider
whether our partner has good characteristics or not. Good characteristics
depend on point of view of someone. In my opinion, an ideal marriage partner
must have honesty, responsibility, and loyalty as his good characteristics. It
will be good if there is nothing hidden in a marriage. So, my partner and I
should be honest to share or tell everything. We may not lie about just a small
thing because it can be a big trouble later. So, honesty is like a foundation
in building a strong marriage. Whatever it is, just say like what it is because
a lie can only break our partner’s belief. In a marriage, responsibility also
becomes an important thing because it means that my partner has duty to take
care of me and our future family. So, he should have wise thought in order to
direct me to the right one. As a man, he also should care about me as his woman
and know how he should do to be a responsible man. Another important thing that
my future partner should have is loyalty. It is like a string that can tie us
each other. Both of us should keep a strong feeling of being faithful. This
characteristic can prevent us of betraying our partner. It will be useless if
he says the words “I love you” everyday but he also thinks about another woman.
So, in marriage, honesty, responsibility, and loyalty have a same role in order
to keep the marriage run well. These characteristics can be shown during our
relationship. So, we can know who actually he is.
addition, a good job also becomes important thing that my ideal marriage
partner should have. It does not mean that he should be a general manager,
doctor or something else which is assumed as prestige job. But, the most
important is my ideal marriage partner is a mature one who work hard and love
his job. So, it means that he concerns on one job which can give enough salary
to fulfill daily needs. His awareness to work hard can show that he is
responsible man who can care his future family. As we know that in marriage we
have to live with our partner until the end of our life, so it is a must for us
to have a job for surviving. In this world, money is very important because
everything needs money. We cannot survive if we only have love. There are so
many needs that we should fulfill later if we decide to get married with
someone. For the example: if we have children, it will be our duty as parents
to fulfill their need. In order to do that duty, good job can be a good
solution. So, jobless man is not qualified as an ideal marriage partner because
I believe that he has no responsibility to do his duty as a husband. So, we
should consider wisely if we want to choose a man as our marriage partner.
brief, ideal marriage partner is different between one person and others. It
depends on our point of view. The most important is we should consider our
marriage partner before we take decision to get married. The time when I take
that decision is when I find Mr. Perfect who has pure love for me and my
family, has good characteristics and has good job. It means that I have to have
readiness to love him endlessly. Even I am not a perfect person but I will try
to love him perfectly until the end of my life. I should share everything
together because he is my partner in this life. It is not a trouble if we have
some differences because we love each other and have same aim for our future.
So, we should think that marriage is not a game and making consideration before
take decision is really important to be done.