I am somebody. I am me. I like being me. I need nobody to make me somebody. Novita Yuliantari's Blog

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mr. Perfect

Marriage is one of some important parts of life that should be passed by every person in this world. Before we decide to get married with someone, we should consider about it wisely. We need to make a definite decision because this relationship should be kept until the end of our life. Everlasting marriage which consists of warmth, happiness and togetherness usually becomes a dream of every couple in this world. In order to make this dream comes true, we should think about the ideal marriage partner as the most important thing in a marriage. In my own opinion, ideal marriage partner is someone who makes me comfortable to choose him as a partner for my future marriage. So, this person is the most special one who will accompany me along my life. It is not a matter if I have some differences with my partner, the important one is we look at the same aim. Someone who has pure love for me and my family, has good characteristics, and has a good job become the most important qualities for my ideal marriage partner. These things should be considered before I take a decision to choose that man as my future husband.
Love is the most important thing that couple must have in a marriage. So, my ideal marriage partner has to have pure love for me and my family. I think it will be impossible that we can get happiness along the marriage without love. So, it makes me conclude that pure love is something that my partner must have in order to make me comfortable to be with him.  I will not blame whatever he does to make me believe that he has pure love for me, because I know that every man has his own way to show how deep he loves his woman. The other thing which is important is he has to love my family too.  For me, family is part of my self, so it is a must for my partner to love my family as well as he loves me. I believe that a marriage will not run well if our partner only loves us without caring or respecting our family. The warmth, togetherness and happiness can be felt if we can share everything in a big family. It should be an awareness that a husband should not only care about his wife but also his wife’s family. Whatever he does to show that he loves me and our family, I believe that my heart will recognize it is pure or not.
Marriage is a serious thing that we should consider before doing it. We must consider whether our partner has good characteristics or not. Good characteristics depend on point of view of someone. In my opinion, an ideal marriage partner must have honesty, responsibility, and loyalty as his good characteristics. It will be good if there is nothing hidden in a marriage. So, my partner and I should be honest to share or tell everything. We may not lie about just a small thing because it can be a big trouble later. So, honesty is like a foundation in building a strong marriage. Whatever it is, just say like what it is because a lie can only break our partner’s belief. In a marriage, responsibility also becomes an important thing because it means that my partner has duty to take care of me and our future family. So, he should have wise thought in order to direct me to the right one. As a man, he also should care about me as his woman and know how he should do to be a responsible man. Another important thing that my future partner should have is loyalty. It is like a string that can tie us each other. Both of us should keep a strong feeling of being faithful. This characteristic can prevent us of betraying our partner. It will be useless if he says the words “I love you” everyday but he also thinks about another woman. So, in marriage, honesty, responsibility, and loyalty have a same role in order to keep the marriage run well. These characteristics can be shown during our relationship. So, we can know who actually he is.
In addition, a good job also becomes important thing that my ideal marriage partner should have. It does not mean that he should be a general manager, doctor or something else which is assumed as prestige job. But, the most important is my ideal marriage partner is a mature one who work hard and love his job. So, it means that he concerns on one job which can give enough salary to fulfill daily needs. His awareness to work hard can show that he is responsible man who can care his future family. As we know that in marriage we have to live with our partner until the end of our life, so it is a must for us to have a job for surviving. In this world, money is very important because everything needs money. We cannot survive if we only have love. There are so many needs that we should fulfill later if we decide to get married with someone. For the example: if we have children, it will be our duty as parents to fulfill their need. In order to do that duty, good job can be a good solution. So, jobless man is not qualified as an ideal marriage partner because I believe that he has no responsibility to do his duty as a husband. So, we should consider wisely if we want to choose a man as our marriage partner.
In brief, ideal marriage partner is different between one person and others. It depends on our point of view. The most important is we should consider our marriage partner before we take decision to get married. The time when I take that decision is when I find Mr. Perfect who has pure love for me and my family, has good characteristics and has good job. It means that I have to have readiness to love him endlessly. Even I am not a perfect person but I will try to love him perfectly until the end of my life. I should share everything together because he is my partner in this life. It is not a trouble if we have some differences because we love each other and have same aim for our future. So, we should think that marriage is not a game and making consideration before take decision is really important to be done.

*) I have found Mr. Perfect :)

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